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#1 No Cares Given It's hard to pick out one article of clothing or accessory that even stands out, but the whole package looks amazi...

Hipster Girls are Hotter

#1 No Cares Given

It's hard to pick out one article of clothing or accessory that even stands out, but the whole package looks amazing. The jean shorts and white shirt combination are american as it comes and look great on this hipster.

#2 Girls Clearly Do Like to Have Fun

I don't know if you could qualify those as shorts, or if you could call that a t-shirt, but either way it's working swimmingly for this hipster girl. The bangs and sunglasses really complete the look that could for sure stop traffic.

#3 Who Needs Pants?

Pants are for the peasants, says this hipster. I wouldn't say it's effortless cool, as taking off your pants can be a strain at times, but she does make looking amazing pretty easy.

#4 Skatin' USA

Alright, fair, she's probably not going skateboarding in those high heels. But with such amazing style it's hard to call her out on it. Also you've gotta love her patriotism with that headband. God bless her, and the ol' US-of-A.

#5 Twice is Nice

These girls are the type that render guys speechless when they walk by. Guys try to keep the conversation going as best they can in a futile attempt to pretend not to notice, but unless they're Robert DeNiro the charade doesn't last long. I hope these girls have permits for those bodies.

#6 Hippie Hipster

This chick looks like she just walked out of the 1960's, and now the 60's are pissed because they're missing their hottest girl. The whole "look like you're not trying but still look really good" shtick is working brilliantly for her. When and where is the drum circle?

#7 Just Another Peace

This girl is rocking a very simple outfit that's still more than enough. The very feminine cut off shirt and waist high pink shorts surely caused some distractions around the pool. I hope someone called "Fish out of water!"

#8 Big Hat, Small Skirt

This photo was taken on the lawn at Coachella, which is turning into a de facto runway for beautiful southern California hipster girls. This girl is so pretty that I heard she ended up being one of the co-headliners. Who's down to go this year?

#9 Peace Please

She's got the hat, she's got the shades, she's got the shirt, and she's got the shorts. All she needs now is a Radiohead song playing in the background and she's got herself a hipster music video. I wonder if it's hard looking like that? Probably not.

#10 Hairy

Okay, that's a lot of hair I'll give it to you. But the fact that she's got so much hair and all we can stare at are her eyes really says something. I think this might be the first hipster that wears a headband for practical reasons, not just style.

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