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Did you know that there is a specific way of holding a simple wine glass? Well, it isn't rocket science, but surely there's a spe...

Things You've Been Doing Wrong All Your Life

Did you know that there is a specific way of holding a simple wine glass?
Well, it isn't rocket science, but surely there's a specific way a wine glass is supposed to be held. So, here are some things that you have been doing wrong all your life and how you can correct them. 

1. How to wear a bobby pin. 

1. How to wear a bobby pin. 
Make sure that the wavy part of the bobby pin should be pointed inwards when you're wearing it so that you can capture a larger portion of your hair at once. 

2. Watermelons should be cut cross-wise. 

2. Watermelons should be cut cross-wise. 
That helps to retain the juice in them. 

3. How to eat a cupcake?

3. How to eat a cupcake?
Like it or not, it's supposed to be eaten like a sandwich. 

4. The proper way to hold a wine glass.

4. The proper way to hold a wine glass. 
You don't have to use your entire palm to grip it, but pinch the stem of the glass between your first finger and thumb. 

5. How earphones should be inserted?

5. How earphones should be inserted?
This one shocked me the most! 

6. How a pen is supposed to be held. 

6. How a pen is supposed to be held. 
For smoother handwriting. 

7. How to cross out words?

7. How to cross out words?
Try to superimpose them with other words.